Google Meet


You can access your personal timetable from OR

You should refer to the school notices OR

The timetable distributed during the school opening.

Meeting Link

Class Teacher Period / Special Event

You class teacher or form master will send you the meeting link.

Google Classroom (Lesson meeting)

You should login to the Google Classroom to access the Google Meet lesson.

  1. Login to Google Classroom Website ( / iPad App

  2. Select the Lesson Classroom (e.g. S5 X1 ICT (20-21))

3. Click the Meet link or the Video Icon

4. Wait for the teacher and click reload.

If you receive the following message, you should reload page every 30s and wait for the teacher to join the meeting.

Google Chrome Reload

5. Allow Microphone and Camera

6. Setup your microphone, camera and virtual background (some PCs only).

7. Click "Join now" to Join the meeting.

Video Tutorial